CSA8000+ TDS8000+ CSA8000B+ TDS8000B+ CSA8200+ TDS8200+ DSA8200+ 80SICON+ 80SSPAR+ 80SICMX: How do I configure which simulator is used for model validation?
To inform IConnect of the location of your simulator, select the Tools/Options... menu command and click the Simulation tab.
In the drop-down list entitled Simulator:, choose the simulator you will be using to verify your models. In the text box labeled Executable:, type in the name of your simulator’s executable file, or alternately the name of a script you wish to use to call your simulator. You may use the Browse button if necessary to help choose the file.
If you are using Berkeley Spice as installed during the IConnect installation, the executable will be located at %IConnect%\Program Files\bspice.exe, where %IConnect% is the directory in which you installed IConnect, e.g. C:\Program Files\TDA Systems\IConnect.
In the text box marked Command Line: is the command that will be used by IConnect to launch your simulation. In most cases, the default command will correctly launch your simulation and read its results.
Note:The IConnect PSpice command line is configured to work with PSpice 9.2 (Lite) so the current command line is ("%exe" -e -r -o "%output" "%input"). If you would like to run PSpice 8.0 then you will manually need to change the command line to read "%exe" -wONLY "%input". Choose ’PSpice’ in the Simulator drop-down and click the Edit button to edit the command line.
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