Can I perform a continuous Analog In (A/D) simultaneously with a single value Digital In using the KUSB-3102, KUSB-3108, or KUSB-3116?
USB Modules: KUSB-3100 Series: KUSB-3102, KUSB-3108, KUSB-3116,
Question:Is it possible to perform a continuous Analog In (A/D) simultaneously with a single value Digital In using either the KUSB-3102, KUSB-3108, or KUSB-3116?
Answer:It is possible, however, a few software steps are required.Analog input channels 0-15 are the standard terminals.Channel 16 (via Channel Gain List) will take in the 8 digital input channels through software.Make your wire connections to the 8 DIN terminals.The digital value will be converted and passed over to the analog in channel #16.Reference the User Manual for details.
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