與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 6:00 - 下午 4:30 (太平洋時間)
與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 8:30 - 下午 5:30 (太平洋時間)
Get to Know Your Oscilloscope
Welcome to your owner resources page. On this page you'll find quick links to everything you need to get started quickly and easily;
- What’s in the box
- Curated demo video playlist
- Support details
- Firmware updates
What’s in the Box
- One TPP1000 1 GHz, low-C passive probe for each channel, with accessories
- Front cover with accessory pouch
- Mouse
- Power cord
- Printed Installation Manual covers safety and basic operation
- Comprehensive built-in online help
- Certificate of traceability
- 1-year warranty on the instrument and included probes

現在了解 6 系列 B
現在了解 6 系列 B
- 效能規格
- 可用性的新標準
- 內建量測和分析
- 對應高速時脈和資料
- 多通道頻譜分析
- 從 3 V 電軌到三相驅動器
Firmware Updates
Ensure you get the most out of your oscilloscope by keeping your firmware and software updated to the latest versions. When you update your firmware, your software will automatically update.
Download the Timeline Infographic to see how the value of your oscilloscope continually increases.
Owner Resources
Stay in Touch
Sign Up to receive email updates which will include:
- New content including demo videos
- Information on added features and benefits
- Firmware and software updates