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EA Elektro-Automatik 自動調整桌上型電源供應器
EA Elektro-Automatik 系列桌上型可程式直流電源有桌上型和塔式外形,功率範圍為 300W 至 1500W。 部分型號具有高級功能,例如自動量程和內置函數生成器。 自動量程自動調整電流在較低電壓下較高,反之亦然,以在一定範圍的電壓/電流水平上保持完整的輸出功率。 函數產生器可以提供正弦波、三角波、矩形波、梯形波等多種波形,還可以輸出自訂的任意波形。
所有工作台備件均配有 TFT 觸控螢幕顯示器,可實現直觀的控制和測試設置。 這個易於使用的介面使您能夠快速配置測試並直觀地操作儀器。 EA 系列桌上型和塔式節省空間的直流電源和負載結構緊湊、經濟,但具有市場上大多數桌上型設備所不具備的先進功能。
高達 30 kW
高達 2000 V
高達 1000 A

Autoranging Gives Flexibility
EA Elektro-Automatik products have autoranging, which allows the supply or load to operate at max power across a range of voltages and currents, down to 33% of the rated output maximum.Compare this to traditional power supplies, which can only output their rated power at their max voltage and max current. Applying the maximum voltage to a device under test (DUT) is rare, which means most of the time, that supply is not being used to its full potential.
How does it work? EA sources automatically offer more current at lower voltages (or more voltage at lower currents), allowing the supply to continue outputting the rated power. This allows a single source to address multiple voltage and current combinations that would otherwise require multiple supplies.
Series | Power | Voltage | Current | Quote |
EA-PSI 9000 DT | Up to 1500W | 0-40V up to 0-750V | 0-4A up to 0-60A | Get a Quote |
EA-PSI 5000 A | Up to 640W | 0-40V up to 0-200V | 0-2A up to 0-40A | Get a Quote |
EA-PS 5000 A | Up to 640W | 0-40V up to 0-200V | 0-2A up to 0-40A | Get a Quote |
EA-PS 3000 C | Up to 640W | 0-40V up to 0-200V | 0-2A up to 0-40A | Get a Quote |
EA-PS 2000 B Triple | Up to 332W | 2 channels up to 0-84V + 3-6V channel | 0-6A up to 0-10A | Get a Quote |
EA-PS 2000 B | Up to 320W | 0-42V up to 0-84V | 0-6A up to 0-20A | Get a Quote |
EA-PSI 9000 T | Up to 1500W | 0-40V up to 0-500V | 0-4A up to 0-60A | Get a Quote |
EA-PS 9000 T | Up to 1500W | 0-40V up to 0-500V | 0-4A up to 0-60A | Get a Quote |
Series | Power | Voltage | Current | Quote |
EA-PSI 9000 DT | Up to 1500W | 0-40V up to 0-750V | 0-4A up to 0-60A | Get a Quote |
EA-PSI 5000 A | Up to 640W | 0-40V up to 0-200V | 0-2A up to 0-40A | Get a Quote |
EA-PS 5000 A | Up to 640W | 0-40V up to 0-200V | 0-2A up to 0-40A | Get a Quote |
EA-PS 3000 C | Up to 640W | 0-40V up to 0-200V | 0-2A up to 0-40A | Get a Quote |
EA-PS 2000 B Triple | Up to 332W | 2 channels up to 0-84V + 3-6V channel | 0-6A up to 0-10A | Get a Quote |
EA-PS 2000 B | Up to 320W | 0-42V up to 0-84V | 0-6A up to 0-20A | Get a Quote |
EA-PSI 9000 T | Up to 1500W | 0-40V up to 0-500V | 0-4A up to 0-60A | Get a Quote |
EA-PS 9000 T | Up to 1500W | 0-40V up to 0-500V | 0-4A up to 0-60A | Get a Quote |