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Специалисты компании готовы часами говорить с клиентами на технические темы, но мы ценим ваше время. Поэтому мы максимально упростили загрузку руководств, технических описаний и программного обеспечения для выпускаемых приборов и многих продуктов, которые сняты с производства. Просто укажите, каким продуктом вы пользуетесь, и мы предоставим все имеющиеся материалы.
Модель, номер которой вы выбрали, в настоящее время находится в продаже. В наличии есть следующая справочная информация.
Руководства Тип руководства Номер по каталогу: Дата выпуска FCA3000 and FCA3100 Series, MCA3000 Series, DMM4000 Series, PWS2000 and PWS4000 Series, AFG2021
Rackmount Kit RMU2U InstructionsИнструкции по установке на объекте 075101802 Tektronix Bench Instruments
PC Connectivity Installation ManualИнструкции по установке на объекте 077052700 FCA3000, FCA3100, MCA3000 Series
Timer/Counter/Analyzers Quick Start User ManualUser (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 071278701 FCA3000, FCA3100, MCA3000 Series
Timer/Counter/Analyzers User ManualОсновной потребитель 077050601 FCA3000 and FCA3100 Series, MCA3000 Series
Timer/Counter/Analyzer, Microwave Counter/Analyzer Programmer ManualЭлектронное руководство по программированию 077049400 FCA3000, FCA3100, MCA3000 Series
Timer/Counter/Analyzers Connectivity Installation InstructionsИнструкции по установке на объекте 077049700 TimeView
Modulation Domain Analyzer Software Installation ManualИнструкции по установке на объекте 071282100 TimeView
Modulation Domain Analyzer Software User ManualUser (Предварительные установки > Пользователь) 077051300 FCA3000 and FCA3100 Series, MCA3000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification Manual
Timer/Counter/Analyzer, Microwave Counter/AnalyzerПроверка рабочих характеристик 077049504 FCA3000 and FCA3100 Series, MCA3000 Series Quick Start Manual
Timer/Counter/Analyzers, Microwave Counter/AnalyzersОсновной потребитель 071278703 FCA3000, FCA3100, MCA3000 Series Declassification and Security Instructions
Timer/Counter/Analyzers Declassification and SecurityИсключение из классификации 077049601
Техническая документация Тип документа Дата выпуска Bench Products 2012 (Test&Measurement Solutions)
На 16 страницах каталога предложены детали и технические характеристики настольных приборов Tektronix, включая: основные и настольные осциллографы, цифровые мультиметры, источники питания, частотомеры и генераторы сигналов.Руководство по выбору прибора Compatibility Mode For FCA3000, FCA3100 and MCA3000 Series How-to Guide
This How-to Guide describes how to make a seamless drop-in replacement when using the unique "compatibility mode" of the FCA/MCA Series.Руководство Continuous Measurements with Zero Deadtime How-to Guide
This How-to Guide focuses on continuous measurement for the FCA3100 Series, plus describes the basic functionality of measuring and streaming data and the differences between the FCA3000 and FCA3100 Series.Руководство Measurement Statistics, Histograms and Trend Plot Analysis Modes
Being able to observe signal integrity, jitter or even drift issues in frequency measurements is a critical component of testing. In this 6-page application note, learn how the integrated Statistics, Histogram and Trend Plot modes in Tektronix FCA …Информационный бюллетень FCA3100 Series vs. Agilent 53132A Series Competitive Fact Sheet
Compare the Tektronix FCA3100 Series against the Agilent 53132A Series in the following areas:Ease of UseUnique Test FunctionsKey SpecificationsExtended Analysis FeaturesWarranty DurationКонкурентоспособный FCA3000 Series vs. Agilent 53131A Series Competitive Fact Sheet
Compare the Tektronix FCA3000 Series against the Agilent 53131A Series in the following areas:Ease of UseUnique Test FunctionsKey SpecificationsExtended Analysis FeaturesWarranty DurationКонкурентоспособный Time and Frequency Measurements for Oscillator Manufacturers
Engineers must perform a wide range of tasks to characterize an oscillator design. This application note explores techniques and tips for using the Tektronix FCA3000/3100 Series Timer/Counter/Analyzers for fast, accurate measurements of precision …Информационный бюллетень
Программное обеспечение Тип документа Номер по каталогу: Дата выпуска Firmware Update Loader and FCA3000, FCA3100, and MCA3000 Series Firmware V1.28
This is a zip-file that includes a loader and firmware for the FCA3000, FCA3003, FCA3020, FCA3100, FCA3103, FCA3120, MCA3027, MCA3040 frequency counter/timer/analyzers.Микропрограммное обеспечение 066122900 LabVIEW SignalExpress Step for FCA3000, FCA3100, and MCA3000 V1.1.0
This SignalExpress Step provides the capability to connect, control, acquire and log the data from the FCA3000, FCA3100, and MCA3000 series instruments from the Signal Express Environment. The step has the ability to capture, transfer and save …Application (Предварительные установки > Приложение) 066123201 TimeView Modulation Domain Analysis Software, 30-day trial V2.1.21
The TimeView Modulation Domain Analysis Software is used to analyze dynamic signal variation of frequency versus time. This is a 30-day trial version of TVA3000 which is available for sale. This software offers advanced statistical analysis including …Демонстрация 063431800
Часто задаваемые вопросы Идентификатор часто задаваемых вопросов What is TekVISA and how can I use it to communicate with and control my instrument?
VISA is an acronym that stands for Virtual Instrument Software Architecture. In a nutshell, VISA handles the communications between your computer’s OS and the instrument. You may be familiar with TekVISA, which is Tektronix’s own brand of VISA …69176 How do I use the programmer manual for my instrument?
TekVISA Download Link: TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE Hello and welcome to Tektronix, today I’m presenting the last part in the 3-part series on using TekVISA. I’ll be giving a basic overview of programmer manuals and how to use them to find the …69186 How do I install the FCA3000/FCA3100/MCA3000, USB and National Instruments LabVIEW Signal Express Tektronix Edition on my PC?
Please see FCA3000, FCA3100, and MCA3000 Series Connectivity Installation Manual. Use search term 077049700 at www.tek.com or follow the link: http://www2.tek.com/cmswpt/madetails.lotr?ct=MA&cs=mfi&ci=17583&lc=EN64536 How do I use TekVISA to send commands to my instrument?
TekVISA Download Link:TEKVISA CONNECTIVITY SOFTWARE In order to communicate with and control the scope, you can use OpenChoice Talker-Listener. Back on the Application and Utilities panel, click on OpenChoice Talker Listener and click Start …69181 How do I download and install the 30-day trial version of NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Tektronix Edition?
Note: NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Tektronix Edition is no longer offered by Tektronix. This FAQ is "historical only".National Instruments SignalExpress Tektronix Edition is a measurement automation tool that allows SignalExpress to control a Tektronix …66221