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Tracing the Source of SourceMeter®?
Since Keithley invented the first Source Measure Unit (SMU) in 1989, Keithley continues to be the market leader in SMU with more than 80% market share. In the past twenty years, Keithley continues to bring new categories and ranges of Source Measure Units, also known as SourceMeter® instruments, from fully programmable to delivering high precision, high resolution, measuring extremely low level signals to the industry first graphical multi-touch SMU, or high power, high density and optical SMU. These SMU are widely used in various industries and research areas, helping many engineers and scientists, even Nobel Laureates to accomplish their challenging measurement and testing tasks, turning numerous inspiration into realization.
Want detailed specifications? Download the complete Source Measure Unit (SMU) Selector Guide

The Unparalleled Versatility
Keithley Source Measure Unit (SMU) is an instrument that can precisely source voltage or current and simultaneously measure voltage and/or current. Most well-established test applications include IV characterizing plus testing semiconductors and non-linear devices and materials. These applications perform voltage sweep and/or current sweeps across any of the 4-quadrant operating regions (positive and negative DC/pulsed source or sink and measurement) of an SMU.
It combines the useful features of a:
- Digital Multimeter (DMM)
- Power Supply
- True Current Source
- Electronic Load
- Pulse Generator
All into a single, tightly synchronized instrument in a compact form factor. And SMUs don’t compromise on accuracy because of the multiple functionality either. In fact, due to the measuring instrument’s versatility and high accuracy performance, SMUs are considered more useful than the combination of any of the five instruments.
Want to know more about SMU? SMU Tutorial

I-V Characterization

AC Polarity Test