Dave Young of Young Circuit Designs recently published a series of articles and videos on element14 describing his experiences in upgrading from his trusty Tektronix TDS2024B to a new Tektronix MDO3104 mixed domain oscilloscope.
Introduced earlier this year, the Tektronix MDO3000 Series is the ultimate 6-in-1 integrated oscilloscope. It includes an integrated spectrum analyzer, arbitrary function generator, logic analyzer, protocol analyzer, and digital voltmeter/counter. This versatility is both winning awards and spurring strong interest among engineers such as Dave who must tackle a range of design challenges.
Starting with a “How To” post on connecting the MDO3104 through Ethernet and USB, Dave goes on to explore such topics as whether the scope passes what he calls the 70% test , digital decoding and trace persist.
Since publishing the initial series, Dave is continuing to tackle new projects and post up tutorials and videos detailing his use of the MDO. His most recent is a post on characterizing a switch-mode power supply using the MDO3104. In this entry, he provides hands-on advice on testing efficiency, analyzing switching waveforms and looking at RF emissions.
All Dave’s articles can be read on the element14 community site here.
Since publishing the above blog, Tektronix is currently offering a free upgrade to 3/6 GHz spectrum analyzers and a free bundle of software applications on mixed-domain oscilloscopes. Check out the details here and save away!