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How do I connect my TDS3000B/TDS3000C Series oscilloscope to a network printer?

Вопрос :

How do I connect my TDS3000B/TDS3000C Series oscilloscope to a network printer?

Ответ :

First be sure the oscilloscope is on the LAN, then go to the oscilloscope's Utility/System/Hardcopy menu and select the Format appropriate to your network printer (For example the Lexmark Optra Lxi is a postscript printer, so a user of that printer would select the EPS format), set Options to Portrait, Ink Saver On, and Port to Ethernet.

Next, go to the scope's Utility/System/IO menu, select Ethernet Printer Settings and enter the printer name, server name, and server IP address. For example:

Printer Name: OPTLXI
Server Name: Print Server1
Server IP Address:

Finally, click OK Accept and clear the menu. Then press the scope's print button to initiate the print.

List of Supported Printers for TDS3000B/TDS3000C Series

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Серия приборов: TDS3000C Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (Discontinued)


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