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How is the Y+ Cr+ and Cb conversion done in the WFM601 series?

Вопрос :

How is the Y+ Cr+ and Cb conversion done in the WFM601 series?

Ответ :

The RGB display and analog output is derived from analog Y, Cr, and Cb with a matrix with 0.1% resistors. This is a calibrated output in the WFM601M.

We have had a few customers question the RGB accuracy only to find the digital data signal they are monitoring was an 8-bit rather than 10-bit signal. The uncertainty in our RGB transcoding is just under 1 LSB with 10-bit signals.

By setting a 4:2:2 generator to 8-bit rather than 10-bit, the user can easily see the quantization errors of 8-bit video in the RGB display of color bars.

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