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How do I tell what version of Java I’m running?

Вопрос :

How do I tell what version of Java I’m running?

Ответ :

With multiple copies of either Sun or Microsoft versions of Java installed it can sometimes be very difficult to determine which of these Java versions is actually being used by a web browser. One quick and easy way to find out is to go to the following website:


On this site, you will find a pink box that shows the current version of java being used by your web browser. The box should look something like this:

Message Box

If you don’t see a pink box like the one above then Java is not working correctly in your web browser.

When interfacing with Tektronix equipment, we recommend that you uninstall all but the latest version of Java to avoid confusion. Some Tektronix equipment may require a specific version of Java in order to function properly, this tool can be extremely handy in verifying that you are running the correct version of java for that equipment.

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