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Can the VM700T measure noise on a 100 IRE pedestal rather than a 0 IRE pedestal?

Вопрос :

Can the VM700T measure noise on a 100 IRE pedestal rather than a 0 IRE pedestal?

Ответ :

Yes. The VM700T noise measurement tool (as well as the noise measurement section of the auto test mode) measures noise as deviations from the perceived average level. This means that it can measure noise on any size pedestal but not on test signals. The deviations normally found within a test signal (transitions between color bars, etc...) would be perceived as tremendous levels of noise.

It is worth noting however that since the analog-to-digital converts in the VM700T are auto-ranging you will get the best accuracy when the least amount of range is used. This means that you will achieve much more accurate noise readings on a 0 IRE pedestal compared to a 100 IRE pedestal.

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