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Are the P7700 Series TriMode Probes Compatible with my Oscilloscope?

Вопрос :

Are the P7700 Series TriMode Probes Compatible with my Oscilloscope?

Ответ :

The P7700 Series TriMode Probes are compatible with all DSA DPO MSO 70000 Series real-time oscilloscopes running Windows 7 or Windows 10 and firmware version 10.6 or higher. Oscilloscopes capable of these requirements include the following:

· DPO70000C series

· DSA70000C series

· MSO70000C series

· DPO70000D series

· DSA70000D series

· DPO70000DX series

· MSO70000DX series

· MSO70000SX series

If your DSA DPO MSO 70000 Series real-time oscilloscope is not at least a C series oscilloscope or later, then it is not capable of using the P7700 Series TriMode probes.

Older oscilloscopes with the Tek Connect interface, such as the TDS7000 Series real-time oscilloscopes, are not compatible with the P7700 Series TriMode probes.

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Серия приборов: Низковольтные дифференциальные пробники DPO7000 DPO70000SX MSO/DPO70000


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